Treatment Plans For Recovery After Back Surgery
There are many alternative therapy options for continued recovery and healing after back surgery. Some of these include yoga, exercise, and medical massage. All of these options can help provide pain relief and speed up your recovery. A recent surgery showed nearly half of adults in the US suffer from some form of back pain. People requiring back surgery should explore the available recovery options right away.

Bending over backwards for yoga
Good posture helps to avoid discomfort during recovery from back surgery because it enforces proper alignment of the spine. A strong spine can help prevent future back issues. One of the most common ways to build good posture and alignment is through a routine yoga practice.
While the spine may need time to become stable after a back surgery, there are many beneficial yoga moves to aid in the recovery process. Many physical therapy plans suggest various yoga moves to help strengthen the spine. Some twists, forward folds, and backbends are not recommended when your spine is still healing. It’s best to consult a physician before moving forward with a practice after back surgery.
Back surgery? Just walk it off!
Gentle, low-impact movement has been proven to help aid in the recovery period after back surgery. Staying active can help to decrease pain, strengthening muscles, and help with maintaining a healthy weight. Activity is important for minimizing strain on the spine. Exercise also boasts the added benefits of mood improvement through the release of endorphins.
Implementing a walking program can help with blood circulation throughout the body, bringing healing oxygen and nutrients to the spinal muscles and tissue. Nearly all forms of exercise will aid in blood flow and circulation, including other commonly preferred forms of low-impact movement such as swimming and biking.
After care and lifestyle changes
After back surgery, some lifestyle changes are usually in order. Regular activity is usually recommended. Massage therapy can help to reduce pain following a back surgery. Like exercise, massage can stimulate blood flow, as well as boost the immune system, repair muscles and reduce muscle spasms, and produce more endorphins. Massage therapy is beneficial in many ways and may be something to consider continuing long after surgery.
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How Do I Know If I Have A Rotator Cuff Tear? Treatment For Shoulder Pain
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3 Benefits Of A Surgical Implantable Neurostimulator For Chronic Pain
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How Long Does It Take For A Neurostimulator Trial To Work?
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Benefits Of Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Surgery: 4 Ways Your Daily Activities Will Improve
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ACDF: What Is The Recovery Time For Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion Surgery?
ACDF surgery could be a helpful solution for people with specific spine conditions, but recovery time can be an extensive.
5 Simple Stretches For A Pinched Nerve: Causes Of Acute Neck Pain
Pinched nerves can cause severe, acute neck pain. Try these 5 simple stretches for significant pain relief.
Is Microdiscectomy A Solution For Shooting Pain From A Herniated Disc?
A herniated disc can press on nearby nerves, causing shooting pain and discomfort. Is a microdiscectomy a solution for this kind of pain?
RFA: Can I Go Home The Same Day As My Radiofrequency Ablation?
Radiofrequency ablation temporarily destroys nerves that carry pain signals to the brain. Will the patients need a hospital stay?
3 Symptoms Of Otosclerosis: Signs Of Early Hearing Loss
Otosclerosis is slow to develop but can progress to early hearing loss, ringing in the ears, balance problems, and permanent hearing loss.
Are You Getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome From Typing Too Much?
One common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is when people engage in repetitive movements. Could typing too much also cause the condition?
What Is Causing My Upper Back Pain? Symptoms Of Thoracic Herniated Discs
Thoracic herniated discs are often the cause of upper back pain, but there are solutions to relieve the pain.
5 Tips For Decreasing Knee Pain: Arthritis Treatment Options
Knee pain is a common complaint for people with arthritis, but simple changes can help symptoms and improve mobility.
Ankle Instability: Seeing A Podiatrist For Foot Pain
A podiatrist can diagnose and treat ankle instability which can limit the ability to walk and stand properly.
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Spinal joint pain can benefit from a medial branch block or radiofrequency ablation. Understand MBB vs RFA.
Snoring & Your Sinuses: Can An ENT Restore Peaceful Sleeping?
Chronic snoring disrupts sleep and is sometimes linked to sinus issues. Luckily, an ENT can help to restore a good night's sleep.
Bicep Tenodesis & Weightlifting: Consulting A Shoulder Specialist
Bicep tenodesis in weightlifters is often recommended for bicep tears and may need help from a shoulder specialist.
RFA: Will It Reduce Pain & Are Your Awake During The Procedure?
RFA destroys nerve endings in the neck or spine to reduce chronic pain and performed in an outpatient setting.
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For some long-term spinal conditions, outpatient spine surgery may help. The surgeon may perform lumbar decompression.
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Pediatric ear infections are common. Not all require a doctor’s visit. Five home remedies for earaches and when to see an otolaryngologist.
4 Home Remedies For Chronic Neck Pain: When To Consider ACDF Surgery
Neck pain, even chronic, can be managed by home remedies and therapy. But how long should an individual wait to consider ACDF surgery?
Do You Need Surgery For Vertigo And Hearing Loss? Treatment For Meniere’s Disease
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Chronic shoulder pain may not respond to conservative treatment. Here are 4 signs someone may need joint replacement surgery.
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: 3 Reasons You Should Consider A Permanent Nerve Stimulator
Peripheral nerve stimulation can reduce back pain by disrupting signals sent to the brain. Here are 3 reasons to consider a nerve stimulator.
3 Exercises To Decrease Carpal Tunnel Pain: When To Consider Surgery
Carpal tunnel pain can often be relieved with simple stretches. If therapy and pain medications don't work, surgery may be needed.
Risks And Benefits Of NSAIDs: When Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers Don’t Help
NSAIDs are cheap, accessible, and can relieve joint and muscle pain. Patients should understand the risks and benefits of pain relievers.
3 Risk Factors For Scoliosis In Teenagers And How To Decrease Back Pain
Scoliosis in teenagers can progressively worsen if left untreated. Consider these 3 risk factors and how to decrease back pain from scoliosis.
Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Have Joint Replacement Surgery
Joint replacement surgery replaces a damaged joint with a prosthetic. Here's why patients shouldn't put off having a total joint replacement.
Joint Replacement Surgery In Men vs Women: Why Women Wait Longer
Joint replacement surgery is a major medical procedure that affects men and women differently. Why do women wait longer?
Cervical Disc Replacement vs Fusion: Understanding Spine Surgery Options
Spine surgery is sometimes the only resort for neck pain. Here’s what patients need to know about cervical disc replacement vs. fusion.
Getting To The Root Of Nerve Pain: What Is Cervical Radiculopathy?
Nerve pain could be caused by cervical radiculopathy. By finding the root of the issue, a doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment.
3 Reasons You Should Choose Minimally Invasive Surgery For Your Joint Replacement
Joint surgery has been around for decades. However, doctors now use minimally invasive surgery. Here are 3 reasons to choose MIS.
Tech Neck: 4 Exercises To Decrease Neck Pain
Millions of Americans spend most of the day on a computer, and the result is often tech neck. Try these 4 exercises to decrease neck pain.
Arthritis, Flat Feet & Fractures: 3 Reasons You Might Need Foot Fusion Surgery
If a doctor suggests foot fusion surgery, the treatment may be for arthritis, flat feet, or a foot fracture. Are these causing distress?
Sleep Apnea And Tonsils: Why Does My Child Need A Tonsillectomy?
Many parents are surprised to find out that a childhood diagnosis of sleep apnea may require a tonsillectomy to correct the condition.
4 Home Remedies For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And When To Consider Surgery
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause wrist pain, numbness, and tingling. Try these 4 home remedies before considering carpal tunnel surgery.
4 Things You Do That Increase Back Pain And What To Do About It
Specific lifestyle habits can increase back pain. To decrease pain, stretch daily, quit smoking, and practice proper posture.
My Child Snores Is It Sleep Apnea?
Snoring can be a benign side effect of sleeping or a sign of sleep apnea. Determine whether a child’s snoring can indicate something.
4 Reasons To Consider A Neurostimulator Trial For Back Pain
A neurostimulator has been a useful tool in reducing chronic pain. Here are 4 reasons why back pain patients should consider a trial.
What’s An SI Fusion & Do I Need One? Surgical Options For Back Pain
The sacroiliac joints, or SI joints, can get damaged and cause back pain. Surgical options like an SI fusion may be necessary for pain relief.
Knee Pain: How Long Is Recovery After A Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement?
A doctor will perform minimally invasive knee replacement to alleviate knee pain. How long does recovery from knee surgery take?
When You Need Surgery For An Ankle Fracture: Open Reduction And Internal Fixation (ORIF)
When do ankle fractures require surgery? Here’s when to consider open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF).
How Soon Can I Go Back To Work After Spine Surgery? Removing A Herniated Disk
In serious cases, herniated disks need to be removed. How long is recovery, and how soon can patients return to work after spine surgery?
How Long Does A Knee Replacement Last? Symptoms Of A Worn Joint
How long does a knee replacement last? After joint replacement surgery, these symptoms might indicate a worn joint.
3 Ways Sinus Surgery Can Improve Your Quality Of Life: Treatment For Chronic Sinusitis
Sinus surgery can be a good option for those suffering from chronic sinusitis. Surgery and treatment can improve quality of life.
What Happens When A Medial Branch Block Doesn’t Work? Diagnosing Back Pain
A medial branch block can help determine if the facet joints and nerves are the sources of back pain. Understand the diagnosis.
What’s The Difference Between Myringotomy & Tympanostomy? Pediatric ENT Surgery
If ear infections become chronic, an ENT may suggest a myringotomy or tympanostomy. Here's what to know about pediatric ENT surgery.
3 Home Remedies For Ankle Tendonitis: When Do I Need A Tendon Repair?
Ankle tendonitis can be painful. Try these 3 at-home remedies, and look out for clear signs that a tendon repair may be needed.
Can A Rotator Cuff Tear Heal Without Treatment? Learn About Shoulder Arthroscopy
Conventional treatment methods can help heal minor or moderate rotator cuff tears. Shoulder arthroscopy can restore strength and movement.
How Many Times Can I Get An Epidural Steroid Injection For Arthritis? Benefits & Risks
An epidural steroid injection is an effective way to arthritis symptoms. But what are the risks and benefits?
Heel Spurs vs Plantar Fasciitis: When Do I Need Foot Surgery?
Heel spurs and plantar fasciitis cause pain and discomfort. Foot surgery might be a good option for patients looking for long-term relief.
Getting Back In The Game: Why You Should Opt For Minimally Invasive ACL Repair
ACL injuries can wreak havoc. Simple movements are suddenly tricky. Minimally invasive ACL repair can help patients recover.
Do I Need Bicep Tenodesis Surgery? 3 Risk Factors For Shoulder Pain And & Tears
These 3 risk factors increase the chances of shoulder pain and tears and may increase the possibility of bicep tenodesis surgery.
Help Prevent Sports Injuries In High School Athletes: 3 Great Foot & Ankle Stretches
High school athletes perform at a high level, yet, this opens the door for injuries. Prevent sports injuries with exercise.
What Exercise Can I Do After Spine Surgery? Recovery From Lumbar Fusion
Lumbar fusion surgery seeks to correct spinal conditions like slipped discs. Try these exercises to improve recovery after spine surgery.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Neuropathy & Sciatica: 3 Causes Of Numbness In The Feet
A variety of medical conditions can lead to numbness in the feet, including tarsal tunnel syndrome, neuropathy, and sciatica.
Treatment For Low Back Pain: 3 Exercises For Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief
[wrt-time] The sacroiliac (SI) joint can cause intense pain in the low back, hips, and buttocks. Try these 3 exercises and treatments to find relief.
4 Tips For Preventing Ingrown Toenails: Reasons For Nail Excision
An ingrown toenail happens when the corners of the nail grow inward. Try these 4 tips for prevention and consider when a nail excision may be needed.
4 Exercises To Boost Recovery After A Total Joint Hip Replacement
Total hip replacement reduces joint pain and discomfort. However, the procedure requires proper recovery. These 4 exercises are proven to help.
Should I Consider Septoplasty For My Sleep Apnea?
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct deviated septums and improve sleep apnea symptoms. Septoplasty is effective, safe, and minimally invasive.
Minimally Invasive Surgery Options: Septoplasty And Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Septoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgery are minimally invasive procedures to treat sinus issues. This type of surgery has a faster recovery.
FESS vs Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Surgery For Sinus Infections
Minimally invasive surgeries like FESS and balloon sinuplasty relieve sinus discomfort and restore normal functioning in patients with chronic infections.
3 Signs You Need Your Tonsils Removed: Tonsillectomy In Adults
Tonsil removal is more common in children; however, these 3 signs and symptoms may point to a need for adult tonsillectomy.
Should I Consider A Spinal Cord Stimulator For Chronic Back Pain?
Patients with chronic back pain can find relief with a spinal cord stimulator. The device sends an electrical pulse to the spinal cord to reduce pain.
Pain Management vs Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Which Is Best For You?
Pain management and minimally invasive spine surgery are two treatment options for back pain. Consider the benefits of both treatments.
When To Consider A Microdiscectomy For Sciatica Pain
Sciatica is a painful condition. In some cases, doctors will suggest a microdiscectomy. This surgery can relieve the discomfort affecting daily life.
Do Goiters Require Surgery? Treatment Options For Enlarged Thyroid
Goiters don't always require surgery; there is a range of medications can treat the underlying causes that can produce a goiter.
Does Your Child Need Ear Tubes Removed? What To Expect After Tympanostomy Placement
Ear tubes are an effective treatment for chronic ear infections. After a tympanostomy placement, ear tubes do not always need to be removed.
Treatment Options For Nasal Polyps: When To Consider Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Sinus issues can put a damper on everyday life. The source of discomfort could be nasal polyps. Endoscopic sinus surgery is an effective treatment option.
3 Ways To Reduce Low Back Pain From Scoliosis: When To Consider Lumbar Decompression
Scoliosis can cause low back pain. Massages, medication, and steroid injections can all help. In severe cases, doctors may recommend lumbar decompression.
What Is A Balloon Kyphoplasty? Minimally Invasive Surgery For Decompression Fractures
A balloon kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery on the spine. The goal of the procedure is to help heal decompression fractures.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome vs Plantar Fasciitis: When To Consider Surgery
Tarsal tunnel syndrome and plantar fasciitis both present with foot pain, but causes of each are different. Surgery is generally the last treatment option.
Reasons To Consider Foot Surgery | Ankle Arthritis And Plantar Fasciitis
A foot's bones and ligaments are prone to injury and conditions that require foot surgery. Learn all about preventing damage and recovering from surgery.
FESS Recovery: What To Expect After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic sinus surgery is an effective treatment for chronic sinusitis. Here is what can be expected during FESS recovery.
How Soon Can I Return To Work After Minimally Invasive Carpal Tunnel Surgery?
Carded for carpal tunnel surgery? The procedure relieves pain but time away from work affects many. Here’s what patients should know.
What Is The Treatment For Chronic Sinus Infections? Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Chronic sinus infections occur when the sinuses become inflamed, irritated, and infected. One treatment is functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)
What Can I Do For Lower Back Pain? Do Steroid Injections Help With Pain Management?
Steroid injections involve a shot of cortisone administered to the lower back. The treatment is highly effective for pain management.
Adenoidectomy vs Tonsillectomy: Treatment Options For Chronic Sinus Infections
Chronic sinus infections can be improved with an adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy surgical procedure when other treatments haven’t worked.
Radiofrequency Ablation For Arthritis: Is RFA Your Best Pain Management Option?
Radiofrequency ablation is a treatment for arthritis of the spine. The procedure can be a pain management option for chronic back pain.
Do I Need Surgery For Sleep Apnea? CPAP vs Septoplasty
Sleep apnea occurs when an individual stops and starts breathing multiple times while asleep. CPAP machines and septoplasty surgery are two treatments.
3 Questions To Ask Before Your Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Minimally invasive spine surgery can help decrease lower back pain. MIS is associated with a shorter recovery and less pain.
Why Do I Need A Neck Mass Evaluation? Lymph Node Excision & Biopsy
Infections and certain diseases can cause swollen lymph nodes. A doctor may order a neck mass evaluation, excision, and biopsy.
3 Things To Know About ACDF Surgery: Treatment For Herniated Discs
Herniated discs can cause neck, back, or arm pain. When people have severe spine pain, anterior ACDF surgery may be a treatment option.
What Should I Do About Flat Feet? What’s A Foot Osteotomy
Flat feet can lead to medical problems for those who are aging. Learn the different types of foot arches and surgical options.
4 Symptoms Of Thyroid Nodules: Reasons To Consider A Neck Mass Biopsy
Thyroid nodules are small lumps on the thyroid gland that can cause pain and trouble swallowing or breathing. A doctor may recommend a neck mass biopsy.
Medial Branch Blocks: How Can Nerve Blocks Get Rid Of Back Pain?
Nerve blocks work by cutting off pain signals between an affected area and the brain. Medial branch blocks are used as treatment and therapy for back pain.
Can Spine Surgery Help With Arthritis, Slipped Disc Or Cervical Radiculopathy?
People who suffer from arthritis, slipped discs, and cervical radiculopathy may want to consider minimally invasive spine surgery.
3 Minimally Invasive Treatments For Back Pain: Epidural Steroid Injections, Ablation And Surgery
Back pain can disrupt daily life. Popular minimally invasive options include epidural steroid injections, ablation, and surgery.
Can You Block Pain Signals? Medial Branch Blocks & Back Pain Treatment
Medial branch blocks can be a diagnostic tool to determine the cause of someone’s back pain. Radiofrequency ablation could be a good option.
6 Dos And Don’ts For Arthritis Pain Management And Low Back Pain
Low back pain and arthritis are extremely common health concerns. Some simple dos and don’ts can help many people better manage pain and improve symptoms.
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF): When Does A Broken Bone Require Surgery?
A broken bone that can't set or heal with a cast or brace will require open reduction and internal fixation surgery (ORIF).
Who Is A Good Candidate For Joint Fusion Surgery? Arthrodesis And Ankle Arthritis
Ankle arthritis can be treated through the fusion of the ankle bones. Arthrodesis, or joint fusion surgery, can alleviate pain and increase stability.
3 Ways To Find Hip Pain Relief: Joint Pain Management With SI Fusion Surgery
Hip pain is common as people get older. Some simple strategies can help manage joint pain. In some cases, SI fusion surgery may be a treatment option.
What Causes Bone Spurs In The Foot? Treatment & Surgical Options
Bone spurs in the feet can be caused by ill-fitting footwear or age. Pain medications can reduce pain and inflammation. Surgery may be a treatment option.
Early ACL Reconstruction Can Save Your Meniscus
Early ACL reconstruction can decrease the risk of injury to the meniscus and surrounding cartilage. Surgery can help stabilize and support the joints.
How Do Spinal Cord Stimulators Work? Pain Management For Chronic Neck Pain
People suffering from chronic neck or back pain may find relief through a spinal cord stimulators for pain management. Find out how SCS work.
4 Signs You May Need A Myringotomy: Ear Tubes In Adults
Frequent ear infections and loss of hearing are signs of inner ear issues. Common treatments for adults include myringotomies and ear tubes.
Am I A Good Candidate For Minimally Invasive Surgery? Benefits And Treatment Options
With minimally invasive surgery, operations are quicker, with less pain. However, the first step is knowing if the conditions are right for the procedure.
When To Consider Radiofrequency Ablation For Arthritis: Pain Management Options
Radiofrequency ablation is a pain management procedure that interrupts pain signals to decrease joint pain for the spine and knee.
How Long Does ACL Reconstruction Last: Age And Activity Matters
ACL reconstruction has saved the careers of thousands and given millions a new lease on life. What is the procedure’s longevity?
ACL Reconstruction vs Stem Cell Therapy
ACL surgery and stem cell therapy have come to the front as viable methods of treatment. So what’s the difference between the two procedures?
How To Know When Pain Isn’t Normal: Talking To Your Doctor
Pain is the brain’s way of protecting the body from potential threats. Everyone has different tolerances of what normal is.
Physical Therapy vs Carpal Tunnel Surgery | Benefits
Incessant, uncomfortable pain and numbness in the wrists could be carpal tunnel syndrome. Surgery and physical therapy relieve pain.
Adenoids When To See A Surgeon
A part of the lymphatic system, adenoids form a vital part of nose and throat health. However, in specific instances, adenoids cause more harm than good.
When To See A Spine Surgeon About Your Back Pain
Pain killers and massages may not be enough to get rid of back pain but what circumstances determine when a spine surgeon needs to get involved?
ACL Reconstruction | Walking | Running | Playing Sports
For athletes involved in high contact sports, ACL injuries are common. In what cases is an ACL reconstruction necessary?
When Should Adenoids Be Removed In Adults
Children are the most susceptible to adenoid infections. But adults aren’t out of the woods. In certain situations, an adenoidectomy may be best.
Can Carpal Tunnel Surgery Be Done With Local Anesthesia?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease that affects many people. Using surgery, people can find relief, but does this surgery require local anesthesia?
How Long After ACL Reconstruction Until You Can Walk?
ACL tears immobilize the hardest working people to the best athletes. But after surgery, how long until a person is walking again?
Is Minimally Invasive Surgery Safe? What To Know
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used for treating arthritis. Find out more about what to ask the doctor about arthroscopy.
3 Indications For Total Joint Replacement| When To See A Surgeon
There are some clear signs that people need to get a joint replacement. This article highlights common signs that a person needs a joint replacement.
Can Arthroscopy Help Arthritis? | 4 Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used for treating arthritis. Find out more about what to ask the doctor about arthroscopy.
Fewer Opioid Prescriptions With Minimally Invasive Surgery
Strong prescription opioids can have addictive effects. Can a change to minimally invasive surgery be the solution to overprescription?
Is Minimally Invasive Surgery A Better Solution For Recovery and Pain?
Patients undergoing surgeries often face weeks of recovery. An efficient approach to minimally invasive surgery provides a better experience.
What Is Sinus Surgery? Am I A Candidate?
Sinus surgeries bring relief to people suffering from sinusitis. But how do sufferers know if surgery is the right treatment option?
ACL Surgery | Knee Replacements | What to Ask
Surgery on the knees, whether ACL or a complete knee replacement can be stressful. For clarity, ask the right questions to feel properly informed.
Adenoids vs Tonsils | Their Role And When They Need To Be Removed
Adenoids and tonsils look different but have similar roles: to fight infection. Yet, sometimes adenoids and tonsils can cause more harm than good.
Acupuncture After Spine Surgery: Alternative Therapy
Acupuncture has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Find out how it can help with postoperative pain after spine surgery.
Adenoids | What To Expect After Surgery
Inflamed adenoids can cause a host of issues, and sometimes the best option is surgery. What is an adenoidectomy and what can patients expect afterward?
Total Joint Replacement and Rheumatoid Arthritis
People with rheumatoid arthritis may consider total joint replacement when other treatment options have not worked.
Carpal Tunnel Surgery | What To Expect | Recovery Time
Is carpal tunnel surgery on the agenda? Trying to figure out the next steps? Here’s what to expect through the tense process.
Opioid-Free Surgery: Minimally Invasive Surgery May Be The Answer
In the midst of the opioid crisis, doctors are looking for ways to relieve surgery pain without opioids. Minimally invasive surgery may be the solution.
Adenoids and Snoring: Is Surgery An Option
Snoring can be the result of a small gland called the adenoid which can impact sleep. Can adenoid surgery stop snoring for good?
Skiing After ACL Surgery | Speeding Recovery
ACL surgery does not mean staying off the slopes for forever. Time and physical therapy are the key to a speedy recovery.
3 Things to Know Before Your FESS surgery
Is Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery or FESS surgery on the agenda? Here are three things to know before FESS, to put patients at ease.
What Should I Know About Arthroscopy and Rotator Cuff Repair?
Arthroscopy repairs the rotator cuff and helps speed up recovery. Here’s what patients should know before going under the knife.
Will Removing Adenoids Stop Sinus Infections?
Both children and adults can suffer from enlarged adenoids which can lead to chronic sinus infections. Removing the adenoids can prevent this.
6 Questions To Ask Your Surgeon About ACL Surgery
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is located in the knee. Find out more about what to ask the surgeon about ACL surgery.
How is Arthroscopy Used to Treat Injuries?
Also known as keyhole surgery, arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure. It is used to treat joint damage.
How Are Adenoids Removed In Toddlers?
If a child has enlarged adenoids, it can interfere with breathing. Young children may have adenoids removed to relieve pressure.
How Long Is Carpal Tunnel Recovery Time? Driving & Working
Recovery time for carpal tunnel surgery varies tremendously by type of surgery, profession and which hand is operated on.
5 Common Question About ACL Reconstruction
In ACL reconstruction, the torn ACL ligament in the knee is replaced with a section of ligament from elsewhere in the knee or from a deceased donor.
Tarsal Tunnel | Foot Health | Causes & Treatment
Tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS) is a rare disorder affecting the tibial nerve in the ankle causing pain, numbness, and tingling.
Will Removing Adenoids Stop Ear Infections?
Removing adenoids is a common surgery often performed along with the removal of tonsils, intended to help the body fight various infections.
Time For An Upgrade? The Fundamentals of Knee and Hip Replacement
As people age, their knees and hips are subject to wear and tear. This can make normal activities painful and difficult. Is it time to upgrade to new joints?
ACL Reconstruction and Football Injuries
ACL injuries are the most common football injuries. Many ACL injuries can be resolved with minimally invasive outpatient surgery.
Carpal Tunnel Surgery | Fibromyalgia | Diabetes | Arthritis
People who suffer from fibromyalgia, diabetes, or arthritis are more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome. After carpal tunnel surgery, once the ligament is healed, there should be no more problems.
Understanding the FESS Procedure and Benefits
FESS is performed on patients when other treatments have failed to alleviate chronic sinusitis which can cause pressure headaches and other conditions.
7 Important Benefits of Physical Therapy After ACL Surgery
Following ACL surgery, physical therapy is an important part of recovery. Physical therapy reduces pain, improves range of motion, strengthens the joints, and prevents risk of re-injury.
Sports Injuries and the Spine | What You Need to Know
A healthy spine is essential for everyday life. Sport-related injuries can often be resolved in a timely manner with minimally invasive procedures.
Yoga And ACL Surgery Recovery | Healing Faster
Recovering from ACL Surgery can be long with some form of physical therapy needed afterward. Yoga is a perfect addition to the recovery plan largely due to its relaxing movements and endless pose variations.
What Do Guitarists, Pianists, & Hairstylists All Have in Common?
One thing guitarists, pianists, and hairstylists often have in common is carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of inflammation that causes pain and stiffness in the wrist.
After Back Surgery | Yoga | Exercise | Massage
After back surgery, some alternative therapies such as yoga, exercise, and massage can help to speed up recovery, increase strength, and reduce pain. These practices can also stimulate blood flow, relieve discomfort, and boost mood.
Is Pain Management Important?
Pain, in its many forms, will affect everyone at some point in their lives. Pain is perceived differently by patients based on many factors. The ability to properly assess pain and treat it adequately can be a challenge.
Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves inserting a small camera into an incision, which is particularly useful to diagnose and treat shoulder and knee issues.
Sinus Surgery | Who Needs It? | What to Expect
People who suffer from chronic sinus infections, difficulty breathing at night or sinusitis may benefit from sinus surgery.
Lumbar Microdiscectomy | Is It Right For You?
Considerations, expectations, and benefits of having a minimally invasive lumbar microdiscectomy to repair a herniated disc.
ACL | Common Injury & Treatment
The most common ways an ACL is injured and how arthroscopy can assist in the repair and alternative options for treatment.
Award-Winning Care and Service
The Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery (CMIS) recently received a National APEX Quality Award for outstanding patient care.
Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)
Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion commonly used for a cervical herniated disc. ACDF is also used for other chronic neck and spine pain.
Jeep Philosophy
CMIS utilizes an innovative philosophy to help pediatric patients prepare for procedures by incorporating a toy Jeep into their care.
“Everyone was concerned with my comfort.”
“I liked that it was so clean. Every staff member was pleasant and easy to talk with.”
“I liked that it was so clean. Every staff member was pleasant and easy to talk with.”
“Everyone was concerned with my comfort.”
“Rebecca was amazing. I have always had trouble in the past with getting an IV started. I told Rebecca I was concerned about it. She got it on the 1st try – no digging in my arm and NO bruising the next day.”
“NO wait time, RN Rebecca answered all questions prior to my visit by phone and again answered all questions and concerns while prepping me.”
“The nurses were very nice and caring!”
“The STAFF from the moment you walk in were the nicest people I’ve encountered at a medical facility.”
“NO wait time, RN Rebecca answered all questions prior to my visit by phone and again answered all questions and concerns while prepping me.”
“The nurses were very nice and caring!”
“Entire staff was knowledgeable and courteous. They genuinely cared for my well being and made sure my wife and I were taken care of.”
“Everyone was friendly and concerned about my comfort. They frequently asked how I was doing, or if I needed something.”
“Dr. Dedhia made everything clear and even scheduled an early follow-up appt so I could get back to work sooner.”
“I can’t say enough about Marcia and the entire team. The care I received was well beyond anything I could have expected.”
“Dr. Tupper was amazing! He spent time explaining exactly what he was doing, what I would experience and made sure I was comfortable.”
“I can’t say enough about Marcia and the entire team. The care I received was well beyond anything I could have expected.”
“All staff were wonderful.”
“Dr. Best…is the best!”
“Marcia and staff were excellent and genuinely cared for my well being. Wish I could have taken them home.”
“Dr. Tupper was amazing! He spent time explaining exactly what he was doing, what I would experience and made sure I was comfortable.”
“Incredibly professional, friendly and confidence of knowing their roles as healthcare employees. Excellent!”
“The staff was great, especially Mary and Marcia. Marcia was extremely helpful post-op and made sure I was comfortable and well-cared for.”
“Entire staff was knowledgeable and courteous. They genuinely cared for my well being and made sure my wife and I were taken care of.”
“Everyone was friendly and the place was very clean.”
“The staff was great, especially Mary and Marcia. Marcia was extremely helpful post-op and made sure I was comfortable and well-cared for.”
“The staff was very polite, they were excellent. They explained exactly what was going on.”
“Marcia and staff were excellent and genuinely cared for my well being. Wish I could have taken them home.”
“Anesthesia staff was outstanding!”
“The STAFF from the moment you walk in were the nicest people I’ve encountered at a medical facility.”
“Incredibly professional, friendly and confidence of knowing their roles as healthcare employees. Excellent!”
“Dr. Dedhia made everything clear and even scheduled an early follow-up appt so I could get back to work sooner.”
“No severe pain – Just a little discomfort – I was asked several times during procedure if I was OK – they showed genuine concern for my well being.”
“Everyone was friendly and the place was very clean.”
“Experience was amazing. The nurses my son needed at this time couldn’t have been chosen any more perfect. They were supportive and understanding, patient and just great human beings.THANK YOU KINDLY ”
“Dr. Best…is the best!”
“The staff was very polite, they were excellent. They explained exactly what was going on.”
“Everyone was friendly and concerned about my comfort. They frequently asked how I was doing, or if I needed something.”
“Efficiency of the staff. Courteous, friendly and caring attitude. Excellent office staff. Pleasant surroundings.”
“No severe pain – Just a little discomfort – I was asked several times during procedure if I was OK – they showed genuine concern for my well being.”
“Experience was amazing. The nurses my son needed at this time couldn’t have been chosen any more perfect. They were supportive and understanding, patient and just great human beings.THANK YOU KINDLY ”
“Amazing nurses, very caring and friendly and put both me and my son at ease.”
“Rebecca was amazing. I have always had trouble in the past with getting an IV started. I told Rebecca I was concerned about it. She got it on the 1st try – no digging in my arm and NO bruising the next day.”
“Amazing nurses, very caring and friendly and put both me and my son at ease.”
“Anesthesia staff was outstanding!”
“Efficiency of the staff. Courteous, friendly and caring attitude. Excellent office staff. Pleasant surroundings.”
“All staff were wonderful.”
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