How Much Will My Procedure Cost?
Thank you for choosing the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery for your surgery. Our state-of-the-art multispecialty surgical center offers minimally invasive procedures and experienced staff focused on caring for our patients and their families.
Using The Price Estimator
Our Price Estimator tool will generate an estimate based on the essential information provided by the user. The Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery provides estimates as a courtesy in order to allow our patients to better anticipate out-of-pocket expenses for upcoming surgeries. Estimates are not final and may be subject to change based on medical complications, procedures or services that are not selected/included in this estimate, hardware and implants required by the surgeon, or changes in insurance benefits. As a result, there is the potential that the actual price or out-of-pocket costs could vary from the estimate. Once a procedure is scheduled our Business Office staff will provide an updated estimate based on information received from the physician’s office.
The online Price Estimator Tool should be used for obtaining an estimate for yourself or an immediate family member or, someone acting on behalf of the patient for the purpose of anticipating personal expenses for a planned or potential surgery at Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery. The Price Estimator Tool should not be used to access proprietary contract information intended for another purpose.