Preparing for Surgery
Your physician’s office will schedule your procedure with us. A staff member will call you before your day of surgery to review your health history and preadmission testing requirements if necessary. Your surgeon will require a complete pre-op physical with your primary physician before the date of surgery.
A member of our staff will call you again the day before surgery to confirm your arrival time. If at any time you have questions please call Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30am and 4:30pm.
Remember, you must have nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before your surgery unless you have received special instructions from our staff. Our staff will also instruct you regarding your daily medications.
Please make arrangements to have a responsible adult drive you to and from the Center. It is helpful to have this person at the Center to review your discharge instructions but they do not need to stay with you the entire time you are with us.
Please dress for comfort. You may need to change into a patient gown at the Center. Do not wear any jewelry or bring valuables. We do need you to bring your insurance card and some form of picture identification. Parents, your photo identification is all we require for your children.
Download the Welcome Pack in our Helpful Downloads page for additional information: