Meeting With A Foot Doctor
A podiatrist is a doctor that specializes in treating foot, ankle, and leg conditions. In cases where extra care and treatment are required, family physicians refer the patient’s case to a podiatrist. A podiatrist is mainly essential when a nail excision is necessary. Knowing the signs of nail excision is important to avoid unnecessary complications later.
1. A common sign is an ingrown toenail
An ingrown toenail occurs when the side of the toenail grows into the skin and causes pain. This can happen to anyone but some are more at risk such as diabetics or having improper blood circulation. Initially, ingrown toenails can be solved with conservative management such as medications, rest, and soaking in warm water. However, in severe cases or failed conservative treatment, the podiatrist will need to remove the nail.
2. Recurrent episodes of infection
Usually, in any type of infection, whether fungal or bacterial, the initial treatment is antifungal treatment or antibiotics. In some cases, the infection is resolved with conservative treatment. However, sometimes, infection can be persistent and recurring. If a patient keeps visiting the doctor for the same recurring infection, this signifies the need to excise the nail.
3. A severe injury to the toe
When a heavy object hits the toe, this results in a severely bruised toe. A heavy object hitting the toe causes pain, bleeding, and nail change in color. Experiencing agonizing pain will require the podiatrist to remove part or the whole nail.
4. Severe swelling and redness
Red discoloration and inflammation of the toenail usually occur after an injury. These changes in the toenail are a result of an infection. Usually, conservative treatments like antibiotics or antifungal treatments help to resolve the infection. However, if the treatments are unsuccessful, the podiatrist may advise surgery where the patient might benefit from nail excision.
5. Excruciating pain and tenderness
A severe and chronic pain that impacts a person’s daily activities such as walking requires immediate attention. If medications and home remedies are not working, speak to the podiatrist. A nail excision can help to reduce the pain and tenderness of the toe.
Other reasons to see a podiatrist
Besides the need to get nail excision, patients visit the foot doctor for other medical conditions. The common reasons are diabetic foot symptoms, flat feet, ankle or knee issues, and autoimmune disorders like gout and arthritis. The podiatrist will examine the affected area and suggest the required investigations and tests. New treatment or a modification in treatment will be provided by the doctor.
When to call your podiatrist
Treating the injured or infected nail immediately is important. Seek help if there is an ingrown toenail, recurrent infection, a severe toenail injury, redness and swelling, and chronic pain. The podiatrist will advise the best treatment plan and in some cases, a nail excision.
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